No Yeast Buns (Unleavened Olive Buns) – Get the recipe: See description below


1 cup of Vegetable oil
2 cups of Yogurt
1 Egg White (Yolk to rub on the top)
6 cups of Flour
3 packs (3 x 10 g) of Baking Powder
2 tsp of Salt
1 tsp of Granulated Sugar
2 tsp of Vinegar

2 cups of Sliced Olives

1 Egg Yolk
½ cup of Sunflower Seeds
½ cup of Sesame


1- Pt the flour into the mixing bowl and add the other ingredients in.
2- Knead with your hands and rest it for 15 minutes till you get a soft dough.
3- Then, pick up egg-size piece and spread it in your palm.
4- Put some olives in and wrap it up nice and tight.
5- Put egg yolk and sprinkle seeds and sesame on the bun pastry you have placed in the tray.
6- Bake them in a preheated oven at 180 °C / 350 °F for 20 minutes. (Until golden brown)

Bon Appetite…

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